viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Tips for Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

Tips for Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy gives your body a hard time, so the correct diet is essential for you and your baby. Here are some tips for healthy eating during pregnancy.

recipes,cooking,healthy eating,pregnancy diet,nutrition,

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You probably already know how important it is to eat a well-balanced diet, but it is even more important when you are pregnant. Keep in mind now you are eating for two. Whatever you eat, the baby eats as well. In fact the baby actually takes your nourishments so you must eat enough for both of you. The healthier you eat the better it is for the pregnancy and you.

Never miss a meal while you are pregnant, especially breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and your baby has probably been waiting since he/she woke up in the middle of the night. You may learn that if you wait so long before eating you start to feel sick, this is your body telling you to eat. Do it!

Make sure you are getting enough of the food you need daily.  It takes 4-6 servings of dairy produce a day for a healthy pregnancy, this can include some cheeses, milk, yogurt. This provides the baby with calcium which it'll need to develop healthy growing bones. Adding extra calcium to your diet wouldn't hurt you either, especially your teeth and bones.

Don't forget about your fruit and vegetable servings. Lots of green is always a good choice, so are sweet potatoes.  Not only will you be giving your body what it needs but you'll start to have more energy. Try laying off the sweets for a week and replace them with healthier items and see how alive you feel.

Foods to Avoid
Not all foods are safe during your pregnancy, there are a few things you should avoid eating:

-  unpasteurized  products- brie and other soft cheeses if unpateurized.

-  Certain fish- exotic, shark, swordfish, anything potentially high in mercury

-  Raw eggs

-  Undercooked meats- lunch meats. If you are buying a deli sandwich you can ask for them to heat the meat up a little.

-  Caffeine- soda, chocolate. If you find this difficult you can wean yourself off, but the less caffeine in your system the better it is for the baby.

If you are ever unsure of the foods you can eat, you can ask your doctor for a list of items to avoid during pregnancy. They'll be more than happy to share this with you.

You may also learn that your stomach won't handle certain foods that it would before. Some of those foods may include foods that contain grease, fast foods, meat, and certain foods that have a strong odor.

Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to cut out all the fun in your life, you can still treat yourself from time to time. Go out and get a frozen yogurt or a smoothie.

While you are making sure you get enough to eat throughout the day, that doesn't mean neglecting your fluid intake. You'll need lots of water and juices from here on out. The baby will thank you later. Who knows, you may discover that you really enjoy eating healthier meals and continue it even after the pregnancy.


Tips for a Smooth Start to Breast Feeding

Tips for a Smooth Start to Breast Feeding

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There are many ways to plan to be a mother and to breast feed for the first time.

First find out as much as you can, this can involve reading about breastfeeding during your pregnancy, check out our web site there is a mass of information on it, so you will know what to do once your baby is in your arms, attending antenatal lessons and learning `about breast feeding there, or you can even join a support group and enjoy mingling with other mothers who can give you lots of tips and guidance.



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Many different sources were used while writing this article; I hope you find it informative and helpful.

There are many ways to plan to be a mother and to breast feed for the first time.

First find out as much as you can, this can involve reading about breastfeeding during your pregnancy, check out our web site there is a mass of information on it, so you will know what to do once your baby is in your arms, attending antenatal lessons and learning `about breast feeding there, or you can even join a support group and enjoy mingling with other mothers who can give you lots of tips and guidance.

During pregnancy, it is very important you take good care of yourself. This ensures when it comes to the time to have your baby, it is as stress free and healthy a birth as it can possibly be.

There are plenty of things you can do to prepare yourself for feeding your baby whilst you are still pregnant; these include ensuring your breasts are prepared for the feeding experience. It's always a good idea to tell your midwife or obstetrician of any breast surgery you may have had as this might influence your abilities to feed your baby. Also check your nipples to see if they have become inverted, this can present difficulties when the time comes for the baby to latch on,

Speak to your friends and family about their breastfeeding experiences, or go to a breastfeeding support group so you can meet and chat to other breastfeeding mothers.

Once your baby has been born, its important that the baby is put to the breast immediately. This is because the suckling instinct in a baby is very strong when they are first born. If you can get your baby to latch on inside those first few minutes of life, it is imprinted on them and subsequent breast-feeding experiences should become a lot easier. 

Most maternity hospitals give you the opportunity to let your baby stay in the same room as you overnight. This is a good idea, so make certain you take advantage of it. It will give you that added time to both get to know one another and create the mother and baby bond that is so important.

If your baby does sleep in the nursery it's important that the nursery staff don't feed your baby formula whilst you are sleeping. Insist that when he awakens he is brought to you for feeding from your breast even if it is the middle of the night.

Don't be concerned that you are not producing much milk to start off with, this is normal. The thin liquid that is created just after your baby is born is rich in nutrients and antibodies. It is enough to keep your baby happy until your milk "comes in" a few of days after your baby is born.

I hope you found the above helpful and you have a good experience breastfeeding your baby.


jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

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Giving birth will no doubt be one of the most magical moments of your life and to ensure that your child is strong and happy, it is important you do all you can to have a healthy pregnancy. To help you and your baby on your way, this article has compiled a number of tips that are guaranteed to make those nine pregnancy months the best they can be!

The first thing you must do when you find you are pregnant is to visit an obstetrician/gynecologist (OBGYN). They will give you...

pregnancy,healthy pregnancy,pregnancy advice,pregnant women,healthy pregnancy tips

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Giving birth will no doubt be one of the most magical moments of your life and to ensure that your child is strong and happy, it is important you do all you can to have a healthy pregnancy. To help you and your baby on your way, this article has compiled a number of tips that are guaranteed to make those nine pregnancy months the best they can be!

The first thing you must do when you find you are pregnant is to visit an obstetrician/gynecologist (OBGYN). They will give you an ultrasound to see how far along you are and whether your pregnancy appears to be normal. This stage is crucial and it is important not to leave this too late.

After this, you must begin to change your lifestyle. Remember, you are no longer eating and exercising for yourself but for two! Firstly, if you are a smoker or a drinker, you must quit. Cigarette smoke can lead to low birth weight in babies as well as miscarriages and tubal pregnancies so try to avoid second hand smoke as it is not conducive to a healthy pregnancy. The same can be said for alcohol and other toxic chemicals and substances such as paint fumes. These items are both damaging to the mother and to the pregnancy.

Another part of changing your lifestyle is your diet during pregnancy. Make sure to drink plenty of water – about 6 to 8 glasses a day. It is not healthy to be overweight or underweight during a pregnancy but do remember that you shouldn't diet during pregnancy. Pregnancy is not a time to be worrying about your weight! Don't skip meals as you and your baby need as much nutrition and calories as possible, although not the fattening kind so make sure you get a balance. Junk food is great to satisfy those crazy pregnancy cravings but try not to go overboard!

If you are worried about weight gain during pregnancy, a great alternative to dieting is light exercise. You may not have loved it before your pregnancy, but learn to love it now as it will definitely pay off in the long run by keeping your baby healthy and your body fit. Light exercises will not harm your pregnancy so try swimming, yoga and walking.

An additional healthy pregnancy tip that those with busy schedules tend to forget is the importance of sleep. Make sure to get plenty of rest so that you and your baby can recuperate and to ensure that your immune system is as strong as possible. It is advised that you rest on your side to reduce swelling and generate the best circulation to your baby.

To recap: avoid damaging substances such as nicotine and alcohol, don't diet during pregnancy, drink plenty of water, practice as much exercise as safely possible, and get plenty of sleep! Following these pregnancy tips will make certain that you have a healthy pregnancy and have a happy and fit child.


The Whole Nine Months: Low Carb Diets and Pregnancy

The Whole Nine Months: Low Carb Diets and Pregnancy

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It's very important to watch what you eat. You are eating for two—which doesn't mean that you eat more (so say goodbye to that second slice of cake), but that you eat smart. You are your baby's only source of nutrients, and you need the proper balance of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates.

low carb diets, low carb food, low carb books

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It's very important to watch what you eat. You are eating for two—which doesn't mean that you eat more (so say goodbye to that second slice of cake), but that you eat smart. You are your baby's only source of nutrients, and you need the proper balance of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates.

That being said, most prenatal dieticians strongly advise against adhering to a strict no-carb diet. Without sufficient carbs, your body will produce a by-product called ketones during your blood stream, which can put your baby at risk for brain damage.

But what about low carb diets? Aside from the risk of mental retardation, there are some aspects of low carb diets that can worsen the discomforts of pregnancy. For example, low carb diets tend to have low levels of dietary fiber, which exacerbate the constipation that many pregnant moms suffer because of the required iron supplements. Also, most prenatal dieticians recommend taking a lot of fruit because of its rich vitamin content, but most of the items you'll find in a typical shake are banned by Atkins and South Beach because of the sugars.

But some doctors may recommend taking modified low-carb diets, especially if you are obese, suffer from gestational diabetes or low blood sugar. All three conditions have been proven to have adverse affects on the baby (including prematurity, birth defects, and early rupture of the membranes) so losing weight or controlling intake may actually be the best thing for your baby.

If you are asked to go on a low-carb diet during pregnancy, you will probably be told to go on the maintenance phase of the Atkins Diet, or the second phase of the South Beach Diet. Here, you are allowed a controlled number of carbohydrates, usually from whole grains and fruits, while minimizing white bread, white rice, and pasta. That is fine, as you are still giving your baby the adequate nutrients, while removing processed foods.

If you are not allowed to go low-carb, but still need to control your weight, there are some options open to you. First of all, eat small but frequent meals. If you want a snack, instead of taking junk food or processed meats (which have a lot of calories, but significantly less nutrients), take salads, fruits, nuts and crackers. Choose lean cuts of meat, and minimize salt and rich sauces during cooking. And while you do need carbohydrates, take in moderation. One plate of pasta is good, three servings of it smothered in white sauce is not.

But the most important thing to remember is that before you go on any diet during pregnancy consult your obstetrician-gynaecologist. She or he can properly determine the best course of action given your particular medical history and the condition of your baby. Do not go on any weight management program without the advice and the approval of your doctor. Whether it's low carb or Zone or the Mediterranean Diet, the point is that there is a proven link between prenatal nutrition and the baby's health. Complications can include low birth weight, birth defects, and early delivery.


martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

The New Kid on the Block: 30 Years and Growing

The New Kid on the Block: 30 Years and Growing

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When couples attend Pink Kit classes, they often ask, "Why should we be preparing for birth? We've made our birth plan and chosen our care provider." What is important is that the women is driving the car, not just taking a journey by car, which can imply she is the passenger. What we're trying to get people to understand is that developing birthing skills is a necessity just like learning to drive a car. These couples include people planning homebirths with independent midwives and people planning hospital births with continuity of care team midwives or a GP or obstetrical specialist. Common Knowledge Trust (CKT) has discovered that analogies may help answer this question.

Women, birthing, couples, homebirths, midwives, labour, professionals, doctor, father, childbirth, body, pain, medical

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When couples attend Pink Kit classes, they often ask, "Why should we be preparing for birth? We've made our birth plan and chosen our care provider." What is important is that the women is driving the car, not just taking a journey by car, which can imply she is the passenger. What we're trying to get people to understand is that developing birthing skills is a necessity just like learning to drive a car. These couples include people planning homebirths with independent midwives and people planning hospital births with continuity of care team midwives or a GP or obstetrical specialist. Common Knowledge Trust (CKT) has discovered that analogies may help answer this question.

The Journey
First, we tell them labour is like taking an unknown journey by car. Even if you've taken this road before, each journey is different and unknown. It can be very strenuous and demanding. It might be long. You might get tired. Someone or a few people might accompany you. Throughout this journey, others might try to help you out in order to safeguard you and make certain you reach the end safely. Some professionals might suggest that you skip the journey.  Circumstances might actually require you to do that. Other professionals will encourage you to take the journey because it might become a highlight of your life.

Then we ask, what is the difference between that scenario and labour? After many responses, we tell them the real difference is that you have already learned to drive a car. If you had to take such a journey and didn't know how to drive, would you be willing to spend eight to 12 weeks learning beforehand?  Where is the birth professional in this analogy?  Some are encouraging you to make the journey and others might think it's too dangerous, or you might think you don't need to do it, fly instead. The birth professional is usually the low or high tech mechanic. 

Next, the couples talk about their relationships to the professional care provider. Their midwives are encouraging them to choose a birth plan. They have decided where to birth, and the doctors are often telling them what they need. So we present analogies to other common professional relationships. We are all passive when we go to the dentist, yet most of us take care of our teeth every day. If we took this approach to birth, we would prepare beforehand, but in the presence of the professional we would be passive. Not ideal.

Giving birth is more like learning to sing, dance, paint, throw pots or play an instrument. We probably seek a professional teacher. Yet we have to do the work to learn, as well as show the teacher our progress. If we took this approach to birth, then the birth professionals would be our musical instrument instructors, yet even midwives don't often take that role. The Pink Kit is the driving lessons, so this analogy still doesn't give us a clear understanding of what other similar professional relationship is like labour and being cared for.

By the time the class works through all the analogies, the couples begin to understand: only the woman is going to labour. The father, partner, friend or relative is there to help her on the journey, which will occur around and through whatever professional care they receive.

The Kit
Since The Pink Kit information developed in the U.S. in the late 1970s and 1980s, thousands of couples have used the preparation and then laboured in hospital. Having done the preparation ahead of time, the couples work together with directed breathing; they use positions that keep the woman open. There is been a great deal of 'best positions' that have been theoretical and not worked for women, because they didn't know enough about their bony structure or how the muscles reacted to positions. They do hip lifts and sit-bone spreads and carry out sacral rocking so their sacrum is mobile. This developed instead of the counter pressure on the sacrum that closes the space the baby needs, although it relieves the back pain. Learning to keep the sacrum mobile, gives the baby room and the woman relieved regardless of assessments, monitoring or other procedures going on around them. They just go on working through the process of labour. Staff and doctors often comment on what a "good labour" they had. "Weren't they lucky? One woman responded: "I wanted to grab that person by the neck and shout, 'You don't know how hard We worked for that good birth!'"

The Skills
When we ask couples what their mothers and fathers taught them about managing labour, most say: "Nothing," "Not much," or "It hurts, you'll get through it." If they haven't been taught by their mothers and fathers how to manage labour, where are they getting the information, and how useful is it?

Whenever people need to accomplish a new task, it's vitally important that they learn appropriate skills and then apply them. Because so few people have been at births, they have no idea what appropriate skills are. If a woman perceives her contractions as manageable, she will use her breath sustainably, create self-relaxation responses,  get into" labour and accept the process. If she perceives them as painful or very, very painful, she will respond with ragged breathing, tensing her body and using other struggling behaviours. What CKT is teaching expectant couples (lessons they will eventually teach their own children) are the sustainable behaviours they can put into place regardless of the woman's perception, particularly when she does feel her labour to be "painful

 The fact is that these are the universal skills that any woman can use, not just another 'theory' or 'technique'. People are continually saying that what they learned in 'childbirth education' classes went out the window, which means, to date, those skills aren't universal enough or not useable. Why would a woman want to respond to labour with frantic behaviour? It's the lack of appropriately learned skills.

As women learn these appropriate skills and apply them to the task, there is more consistency in how women respond to the process of labour and how their partners can help them stay on a sustainable behaviour track. Because labours are so similar, we can define, hear, see, experience, practice, model, remind, encourage, remember and know appropriate responses to the experience. A woman who is struggling with labour may hold her breath or scream, groan and moan, whereas a woman who is managing her responses to the sensations will tend to breathe in through her nose and out through either her nose or mouth in a manner that sounds "right." Because most people have no idea what sounds right, we have to show them so they can develop the skills.

We ask fathers or the support people to look at the woman's face and forehead when she is relaxed during labour . Usually when relaxed, a person's forehead is smooth. When a woman wrinkles her forehead in labour, the father understands that her internal sensations are intense, and he can observe whether she is responding to them with tension. He can then help her reduce the tension using "common body language" or "common body touch." If she is breathing more raggedly, he can model directed breathing to remind her to use breath as a focus.

If the partner sees the woman standing on her toes, with shoulders around her ears and bum muscles tight, a father working with The Pink Kit is less likely to tell her to relax, drop her shoulders or come off her toes. Using his skills and knowledge, he'll just tell her to relax inside the pelvic clock and minnie mouse muscles (her bum muscles). She'll know what he is talking about. She would have done that herself, except the sensations were a bit too much at the time. She still might not like the experience, but she'll love how she managed herself. She'll love her partner for knowing specifically what she needed to do rather than giving her a general direction that could elicit: "I'm trying to relax!" "Shut up!" or "You try!"

One woman said after her birth: "Before each contraction, I set up my directed breathing. The contractions were fine. So I thought to myself, 'maybe the breathing has nothing to do with it,' and I just let the next contraction happen. It was off the planet in intensity. What scared me was that it took me four to five more contractions to get it back."

What the statistics  (on our website)  don't show is how empowered both mothers and fathers feel; that the woman knew she could turn to her partner for the coaching skills; that their partnering and parenting relationships are enriched.

There is no doubt that if we had all been at 100 births, we would see and hear  which mannerisms are sustainable and  which indicate that a woman is struggling with her perception of the experience. But the skills haven't been passed on generation to generation. Common Knowledge Trust wants that to change. All the couples who use these resources tell us the same thing—they will pass the knowledge on to their sons and daughters. Women will labour, whether at home, in hospital, with a midwife, with a doctor, whether having a natural or a medical birth. Skills work well in all situations.

Knowledge is power. It reduces fears, increases confidence, builds skills and encourages conscious response rather than impulsive reaction to an intense experience. It develops a strong and deeply personal sense of accomplishment for both women and men. Most important, we'll pass it on to our children.


The Importance of Bonding, and Touch; Advice for First-Time Parents

The Importance of Bonding, and Touch; Advice for First-Time Parents

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Becoming a parent for the first time is exciting; but it can be a little scary, too.  This article cuts to the quick; the importance of bonding and touch between parent and child.  How it helps baby feel loved and secure, and helps build confidence in first-time parents.

first time parents, bonding with baby, importance of touch, proper baby care

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Fist time parents are in for the experience of a lifetime!

After surviving 9 months of pregnancy, a wardrobe of maternity clothes, baby showers, and decorating the nursery with care, you have gone through the exciting, heroic experiences of labor and delivery.  You are ready to leave the hospital to begin your new life as first-time parents!

Handling the First-Time Parent Jitters

For many first-time parents, bringing a baby home from the hospital is an exciting experience mixed with apprehension.  Silent questions such as "<i>How will I know…</i>," "<i>How will I cope…</i>," and "<i>But, what if…</i>" mingle with exuberant joy as you look down at the precious bundle sleeping in your arms.  You've got the first-time parent jitters!

Not to worry!  Siblings and friends with children, parents, and in-laws have been waiting for this moment, too.  They will offer expert advice on feeding, diapering, and proper baby care.  Books galore are also available, written by baby doctors and psychologists offering guidance on parenting, and the latest in child development research.

When it comes to reading material, be prudent about book selection.  And, don't be afraid to set down boundaries on visiting times for over-eager friends and relatives. While you can learn proper baby care from the expertise of others, you and your spouse also need time alone with your baby, to bond.

Bonding with Baby

More frequently than not, bonding with baby will include touch.  This is important, because it is through touch your baby will come to know you.

Cradling your baby in your lap, and gently stroking him or her is the most basic form of bonding between baby and parent.  Nestling the newborn at your neck is another bonding-touch that provides baby with a sense of security.  Support the baby's head and neck with one hand, and his or her bottom with the other.

Forget the old wives' tale that holding a baby too much will spoil the child.  Yes, it is true a baby should <i>not</i> be picked up each and every time they cry.  As long as they have been adequately fed, are clean and dry, warm and comfortable, a baby does need to learn there are times when they should rest, or entertain themselves.

However, quiet moments alone with baby without distractions are necessary to form the emotional connection between parent and child, essential to a healthy attachment.  An important bonding process noted by pediatricians in the late 1970s.  This process has been proved vital for both parent and child.

Parents who form this type attachment with their newborn make better parents.  They are better equipped and more willing to make the necessary sacrifices to care for their child; during infancy as well as through childhood.

Newborns provided the benefit of gentle contact and tender touch by parents feel loved and secure.  This sense of well-being impacts both their emotional growth and physical development.

 The Importance of Touch

The importance of touch - gentle, loving contact when holding your baby, cannot be emphasized enough.  Rough handing and harsh jostling, especially with a newborn, can not only frighten your baby, but be life-threatening, as well.

Always be careful to support your newborn's head and neck when you pick them up, or lay them down.  If you need to wake up your newborn, don't startle them by jostling or shaking them.  Instead, gently tickle their feet, softly blow on their cheek, or tenderly rub the side of their head while speaking softly and saying their name.

Relish time with your baby.  Gently cradle him or her in your arms, and tenderly rub his or her back using slow, wide circles.  Or, caress your baby soothingly as you rock them.

Talk in a low, comforting tone, or quietly sing to them.  When eye contact is made smile, even if you aren't sure whether or not their eyesight has developed enough yet to see clearly.

At Savvy Baby we care about you and your child!  That is why we offer the very best in baby-related items, as well as child development tools, and articles of interest for parents of young children.   today.

While it is true the importance of proper baby care (bathing, adequate nutrition, a safe, clean environment, play and nap time, and comfortable, warm clothing) cannot be over emphasized, neither can the healthy-bonding process between parent and child and the importance of touch. 
Both vital ingredients that say, "You are loved!"

Lori S. Anton
Savvy Baby Gear editor


lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

The Dangers of Smoking Cigarettes While Pregnant

The Dangers of Smoking Cigarettes While Pregnant

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The sad fact is cigarette smoking is part of many of our lives, regardless of whether we smoke or not. Unfortunately, this includes unborn babies as well. Unfortunately, surveys show that many mothers still smoke cigarettes during their pregnancy...

cigarette smoking while pregnant,smoking cigarettes during pregnancy,ectopic pregnancy,cigarette smoking during pregnancy,cigarette smoking mothers,chemicals in cigarettes,cigarettes,effects of smoking cigarettes,harmful effects of smoking,cigarette,

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Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler

The sad fact is cigarette smoking is part of many of our lives, regardless of whether we smoke or not. Unfortunately, this includes unborn babies as well.

Surveys show that many mothers still smoke cigarettes during their pregnancy. Most likely these women are unaware of how harmful cigarette smoking truly is on their unborn baby and are unaware that smoking cigarettes during pregnancy is one of the major causes of infant deaths in the society today.

Basically, cigarette smoke alone is full of chemicals, some studies even state it has more than 2,500 chemicals.  Some chemicals like tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine are considered the most dangerous substance for the fetus. It has long been proven how these chemicals can greatly affect the development of the fetus inside the mother's womb.

First of all, mothers who smoke while pregnant run a risk of ectopic pregnancy. This is especially viable when the mother is a heavy smoker during the first trimester of her pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy refers to the state wherein the embryo is embedded outside the uterus, which is contrary to what normal pregnancy should be. Usually, it is embedded in the fallopian tube. In this manner, the fetus has to be removed because this kind of pregnancy will never survive.  This fetus will never survive outside of the uterus where a fetus gets all the nourishment and protection that it needs. Prolonging this condition will only risk the mother's life.

Also, smoking cigarettes during pregnancy increases the probability that the mother will develop complications in the placenta. Reports show that placental problems are actually happening in about 1% of pregnancies. The most common problem is "placenta previa" where the placenta is connected very low in the uterus and is almost at the cervix.

Another problem with smoking cigarettes during pregnancy is the deterioration of fetal growth. The fact is cigarette smoking during pregnancy results in low infant birth weight. For many years now reports have shown that there have been significant differences between babies with mothers who smoked cigarettes during pregnancy and those who have non-cigarette smoking mothers.

Unfortunately, greater risks are imposed on babies who weigh less than the normal babies. They may acquire certain diseases like cerebral palsy, mental retardation, or worse – death.

There are also reports on how cigarette smoking during pregnancy increases the probabilities of birth defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate.

Moreover, babies born with mothers who are cigarette smokers have higher incidences of sudden infant death syndrome. If ever these infants survive, they may still incur diseases like asthma, behavioral problems, or learning disabilities.

Then there are the  post-pregnancy woes…

For babies with mothers who smoke regularly, problems still lurk within their environment. This is especially true to mothers who smoke even when they are breastfeeding their babies.

Studies have revealed that nicotine can be passed on to the baby through breastfeeding. There have been experiments that prove the presence of nicotine in the babies system through urine testing. It later showed that there is a higher percentage of nicotine found on babies who breastfeed to cigarette smoking mothers.

Most experts contend that the problem lies within the mother's urge to get back to smoking cigarettes right after she gives birth.

Unfortunately, when the mother continues to smoke during the formative years of her child life, chances are she is already shaping a child that will most likely be a cigarette smoker themselves.

So, what's the point here? The fact that the mother does not care for her own health is one thing. But the fact that she puts greater risk on her baby because of her vice is another thing.

Babies should be given the right to live a decent, normal, and healthy life.  So, for the "moms-to-be" out there, please keep in mind that your babies should not be forced to suffer from the long range dangers associated with cigarette smoking.  Let's take care of them by not smoking cigarettes.


The Blessings (And Curses) Of Pregnancy

The Blessings (And Curses) Of Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences that any woman can have in life. Women who have had the privilege of carrying and bearing children know exactly what I mean. The ability to become pregnant and carry a child in your womb as it develops into a fully functioning infant is one of life's biggest miracles. For all the blessings of pregnancy it is not, however, without its struggles.

The most obvious blessing of pregnancy is the promise of a new life that it means...


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Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences that any woman can have in life. Women who have had the privilege of carrying and bearing children know exactly what I mean. The ability to become pregnant and carry a child in your womb as it develops into a fully functioning infant is one of life's biggest miracles. For all the blessings of pregnancy it is not, however, without its struggles.

The most obvious blessing of pregnancy is the promise of a new life that it means. There is nothing more special than seeing a new child added to the world, and women are the ones that get to provide the perfect atmosphere for the unborn child to grow in a safe and warm place. Pregnancy allows a woman to share months of intimacy with her baby before the baby gets to interact with any one else in the world. What a special time of bonding that the months of pregnancy are for mothers and babies. Even fathers must wait until babies are born to feel them or to fully experience them.

Some of the best blessings of pregnancy are less serious and yet really enjoyable. For example, pregnany woman seem to be adored and cared for wherever they go. Pregnancy makes everyone a woman's best friend. Suddenly doors are being opened, heavy things are being lifted, and great meals are being prepared for you. Few seasons in life will offer these kinds of blessings, so take full advantage of the attention people give you during your pregnancy.

For women who love to shop, pregnancy has its obvious benefits. Not only do you have an excuse to spend time and money creating the perfect nursery for your new baby, but you also have a real need to shop for new clothing for yourself. Pregnancy allows the shopper in you to come out and get lots of practice because we all know that mothers and babies need lots of new things. Enjoy the blessing of shopping while you can because you won't have such a great excuse for long!

While I have loved the experience of pregnancy very much, I would be lying if I said it was just a walk in the park. No, pregnancy definitely adds hard things to the life of a woman as well. Very few women make it through pregnancy without sickness or being frustrated over the obvious weight gain that happens. Sleep doesn't always come easily with a baby growing and moving inside of you nor is it always easy to keep up with the demands of life when all you want to do is rest.

Whatever hard things come with pregnancy, I guarentee you that nothing can outweigh the joy and privilege it is to be a part of bringing a new life into the world.


Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

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Since the early 1990s, teen pregnancies across America declined dramatically. However, it is a teen pregnancy fact that 34% of teenage girls in America still get pregnant before they turn the age of 20. This means that America has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world. As does England; in which one in every five births in the country is from a teenager. These are shocking statistics and adults and teenagers alike should be active in teen pregnancy prevention.

baby,babies,pregnancy,teen pregnancy prevention,preventing pregnancies

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Since the early 1990s, teen pregnancies across America declined dramatically. However, it is a teen pregnancy fact that 34% of teenage girls in America still get pregnant before they turn the age of 20. This means that America has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world. As does England; in which one in every five births in the country is from a teenager. These are shocking statistics and adults and teenagers alike should be active in teen pregnancy prevention.

Talking about sex and pregnancy
When a child reaches the age of about 13, parents should be active in approaching their child about their thoughts and ideas of sex and the possible consequences of the act. Although it can initially be embarrassing for both parties, it will pay off in the long run as education and knowledge is the best way to prevent teen pregnancy. Talk to your child about the sexually transmitted diseases and the risk of pregnancy as well as pregnancy prevent methods such as abstinence and contraception.

The safest path towards teen pregnancy prevention is abstinence. Not having sexual intercourse will mean that you will never have to worry about catching any diseases or unwanted pregnancies which will ultimately change your entire life. Though there will undoubtedly be a lot of peer pressure to have sex, abstaining from sex now will only mean that you will be 100% ready when you do decide to take that step.

The two most popular forms of teen pregnancy prevention come in the form of the condom and the pill. The condom is a rubber latex glove that is placed over the penis during sex to prevent semen from entering the vagina. The condom will not only protect you from possible diseases that can be transmitted through the semen but also from teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy facts suggest that there are also a large number of teens now taking the birth control pill, and this number is increasing yearly. The birth control pill is taken every day and releases hormones in the body to stop your body from ovulating. If you don't ovulate, then no egg will be released and therefore there will be no egg for the sperm to fertilize. If it is taken every day, the pill is very reliable in terms of pregnancy prevention. However, the pill does not stop you from catching sexually transmitted diseases and infections so you must still be careful.

The media often portrays teens regularly having sex. But you don't need to buy into this. The media isn't real and it is perfectly normal to wait until you are ready or for the right person to come along before having sex. The only 100% way to prevent teen pregnancy from occurring is to not have sex at all.


Stretch Marks And Skin Changes In Pregnancy

Stretch Marks And Skin Changes In Pregnancy

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There are countless physical changes to your skin, both pleasurable and painful attributed to your pregnancy only.

The common skin change that most pregnant woman experience is the stretch marks. Stretch marks are separations of the outer layers of skin caused by the overstretching of underlying layers.

Beside pregnant women, stretch marks are found on children who are obese, adolescents who have a sudden growth spurt during puberty and athletes and body builders who d...

Skin Care, Skin Nutrition, Skin Care during Pregnancy, Stretch Marks

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There are countless physical changes to your skin, both pleasurable and painful attributed to your pregnancy only.

The common skin change that most pregnant woman experience is the stretch marks. Stretch marks are separations of the outer layers of skin caused by the overstretching of underlying layers.

Beside pregnant women, stretch marks are found on children who are obese, adolescents who have a sudden growth spurt during puberty and athletes and body builders who do constant exercises. The most commonly affected areas by stretch marks are hips, abdomen, breasts, thighs and buttocks. Stretch marks are itchy reddish marks.

In pregnancy, heredity plays an important role in determining who will have and will not have stretch marks. If your mother has had them, chances are that you will get them too, unless you were born with stretchy skin. There is no sure shot remedy for stretch marks as mostly they fade after delivery. The only way to avoid stretch marks is to prevent them. We recommend the following –

- Massage vitamin E or olive oil on the abdomen areas from the start of your pregnancy. Massage it liberally over the marks after a shower. Incase you skip a shower, clean the area with a wet cloth and then apply the oil.

- Regular exercise helps to tone your muscles and keep your skin firm.

- Maintain healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Plenty of proteins and vitamin C & E foods should be included in your diet. Increase your intake of minerals such as zinc and silica to maintain healthy skin.

- One ounce of sweet almond or jojoba oil with 7-8 drops of lavender and chamomile oils is a good homemade recipe.

- Avoid excessive weight gain in a short time span.

- Cocoa butter reduces stretch marks and helps to keep the skin supple.

- Wear a glove and massage your skin to increase circulation.

- While massaging your body with body oil, add coconut and almond oil. Daily massage with Olive oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil or vitamin E oil after shower or before sleeping is an excellent home remedy for either preventing or treating stretch marks.

- To avoid stretch marks around breasts, wear a supportive maternity bra.

- To make stretch mark cream, mix 1/2 cup cocoa butter, 1 tsp wheat germ oil, 1 tsp apricot kernel oil, vitamin E oil and 2 tsp grated beeswax. Heat the mixture until cocoa butter and beeswax melt, stir well and store in air tight conditioner.



domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

Start Growing Healthy Children Before Getting Pregnant

Start Growing Healthy Children Before Getting Pregnant

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When I was in my early 20's, I read Adele Davis's book, "Let's Eat Right To Keep fit." I learned from her that "you are what you eat." I also learned that our babies are what we eat while we are pregnant, and then are what they eat once they are born. If you nurse your babies, then they continue to be what you eat as long as you are nursing them. My bible during my first pregnancy over 38 years ago was "Let's Have Healthy Children," also by Adele Davis.

health and nutrition, children, pregnancy, pregnancy diet

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When I was in my early 20's, I read Adele Davis's book, "Let's Eat Right To Keep fit." I learned from her that "you are what you eat." I also learned that our babies are what we eat while we are pregnant, and then are what they eat once they are born. If you nurse your babies, then they continue to be what you eat as long as you are nursing them. My bible during my first pregnancy over 38 years ago was "Let's Have Healthy Children," also by Adele Davis. I started to follow her guidelines way before getting pregnant, knowing that my health had a big effect on my baby's health.

There is much more information about good nutrition available today, and I want to encourage anyone who wants to have healthy children to start early in learning about and implementing a healthy way of eating. Educating yourself regarding good nutrition is a major part of good parenting. However, a good rule of thumb is, if they didn't eat it 200 years ago, don't eat it now! This means no fast food, no packaged food - including sodas, cakes and candies - no preservatives, no fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides or artificial fertilizers, or animals grown with hormones and fed food grown with pesticides. It also means no smoking or drinking. It means no caffeine. If you want healthy children, you need to put pure, clean organic food into your body before you get pregnant and continue throughout your pregnancy. Of course, then you want to continue to feed yourself and your family clean food once your children are born.

If you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you have a wonderful opportunity to lay a strong foundation of health for your child. Why not start now feeding yourself well and learning all you can about creating healthy children? You are going to be a parent the whole rest of your life. You can do so much to make your parenting experience a joyful one by taking responsibility for your own physical and emotional health before getting pregnant. If you have not been disciplined enough to eat well before getting pregnant, perhaps the idea of eating well for your child will be enough to motivate you.

It's not as hard as you might think. It really doesn't take much more time to eat well than to eat junk. And the payoff is huge. Not only were my three babies healthy, they were calm. They slept well and were happy children, who learned easily and did well in school. The only time they were hyperactive – actually bouncing off walls! – was after returning from birthday parties where they had ice cream, cake and sodas.

In my many years of counseling, I've often worked with parents who were struggling with their children's behavior problems. Of course not all behavior problems are nutritional, but you might be surprised how many problems have their cause in poor nutrition. I've often wondered why so many people are careful to put the right octane in their gas tank but put the wrong fuel into their bodies – and then wonder why there is so much illness, learning disabilities, and so on.

I want to tell you a little story about the power of food. We had a 6 month old golden retriever puppy who was dying of irritable bowel syndrome. He had constant diarrhea and was getting thinner and thinner by the day. We had been giving him the very best quality kibble and it wasn't working. Fortunately we learned about raw food for dogs. Within two meals of raw food, he was completely healthy! Here I had been studying nutrition for so many years and it had never occurred to me that a dog's natural diet is raw food! Wow, what a lesson!


Should I Breastfeed or use Formula?

Should I Breastfeed or use Formula?

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Information about breast-feeding to help you decide what is the right choice for your family.

pregnancy, breastfeeding, formula, baby feeding

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The decision of how to feed your baby is a very personal one.  The benefits of breast-feeding are numerous and significant, but many women still choose not to for reasons all their own.  Before you decide how to feed you child, take a few moments to study up on breastfeeding, then armed with information, making your choice should be easier.

Breastfeeding has two stages, colustrum and regular milk.  Colustrum is the very first milk produced.  It occurs during the first two to three days, and is a thick, whitish liquid.  Colustrum is exactly what a new baby needs.  It is low in fat and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies.  It is also extremely easy for the newborn's system to digest.  One of the first things that the colustrum does is produce a laxative effect.  It helps the baby to pass the meconium, which are thick and tarry.  It also helps to clear excess bilirubin and prevent jaundice.  So, if a baby is born with jaundice, the best thing is to nurse.  Colustrum also carries an extremely high number of both antibodies and leukocytes (protective white cells), and helps the baby's immature immune system fight off diseases, viruses, and bacteria.  In effect, colustrum super-charges the baby's system and helps prepare him for life outside the womb.

By the third or fourth day after birth, the second stage of breastfeeding occurs.  This is when the regular milk comes in.  This milk is much thinner, but contains all the nutrition a baby needs to grow and thrive.  Just as colustrum did, the regular breast milk carries much-needed antibodies to the baby's system.  Antibodies are molecules made by your immune system that help to fight off illness.  Breast milk contains all of the antibodies that the mother's body has created.  As new germs are introduced into the baby's environment, the mother's body begins preparing antibodies to ward off those germs.  These new antibodies are then passed through the breast milk to help the baby fight off the new threat.  Now, this doesn't mean that breastfed babies never get sick, but research has shown that they do typically recover more quickly than a formula-fed baby.
There are additional benefits to breastfeeding other than just the antibodies.  It has been shown that breastfeeding offers protection against ear infections, respiratory illnesses, allergies, intestinal disorders, colds, viruses, staph, strep, e-coli infections, diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, childhood cancers, meningitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, salmonella, and SIDS.  Breastfeeding also offers lifetime protection from Chrohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, some lymphomas, insulin dependent diabetes, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Breastfeeding also offers benefits to the mother.  Long-term breastfeeding, for a cumulative total of two years or more, has been shown to reduce a mother's chances of developing breast and ovarian cancer.  Breastfeeding also helps the mother to lose weight more quickly after having a baby.  Because many women do not get their periods back until they stop nursing, breastfeeding also helps to naturally space out children.  But, it is important to note that one should never rely solely on breastfeeding for birth control.

These are just a few of the amazing things that breast milk can do for a baby.  You would think that with all this research, the decision to breast-feed would be a "no-brainer".  Unfortunately, one of the biggest deciding factors of whether a woman decides to breastfeed is the reaction of family members.  Oftentimes the husband is uninformed on the benefits of breastfeeding, and pushes the woman to wean to formula.  Many mothers and grandmothers don't support the breastfeeding woman because "that wasn't how it was done in their day."  Many women receive dirty looks or harsh comments for discretely nursing in public.  All of these factors push a new mother towards formula, despite the amazing health benefits of nursing.

The decision to breast-feed is yours.  Take at least as much time to learn about breastfeeding as you did when you picked out your babies crib; more if you can spare it.  Arm yourself with knowledge and then make a decision.  Only you can decide if breastfeeding is right for you family.


Should A Mom-At-Home Own An Otoscope In Caring For Her Baby or Her Kids?

Should A Mom-At-Home Own An Otoscope In Caring For Her Baby or Her Kids?

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Doctors use an otoscope to diagnose and identify medical problems within the ears, but should stay-at-home moms also own an otoscope and perform ear inspections for their children when the need arises? Discover what feedback says.

welch allyn otoscope, drmom otoscope, ear infection, stay-at-home moms,baby, kids,pediatric

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We are all familar with the sight of our family doctor using a diagnostic tool called an otoscope to take a look into our ears when we seemingly have some ear infection, or some pain arising from the ears.

That is all well when the doctor, as a physician handles that task.

But the question is this: " Should a stay-at-home mom own an otoscope and perform ear inspections herself on her baby or her kids?"

To answer that question, I researched the internet and also look at feedback from many stay-at-home moms, to tap their experience and to see what they are doing.

The answer was a overwhelmingly "YES".

Moms-at-home feel that they should take a more active role in ensuring the health of their children, rather than to have this role performed solely by their physicians.

Moms-at-home feel empowered when they own an otoscope and can use it to identify potential problems in their infant's ears, especially when they find their babies tugging their ear lobes or crying with some form of discomfort arising from their ears.

When they own an otoscope, they can use it readily to take a look into their infant's ears to see whether it is reddish, which will suggest a ear infection just starting off and then to refer their children to their pediatric or their child specialist for further diagnosis and treatment.

This gives them comfort and peace of mind that they can nab beginning ear infections in the early stages rather than finding out about these ear infections in their infants at 2 am in the hospital's emergency rooms.

Otoscopes come in different quality and at different prices. From a twenty dollar model to a quality otoscope such as the Welch Allyn otoscope which can cost a few hundred dollars, the key to a good otoscope is to ensure the lens is powerful enough to provide good manification.

Irregardless of the make or model, the majority of moms-at-home are thankful for this invention called an otoscope that is proving to be useful in helping them identify ear infections fast.


Selecting The Right Baby Name Can Be Hard

Selecting The Right Baby Name Can Be Hard

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This article has tips on what to think about when selecting your baby name.



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Hey lets face it it's your child and you have the right to name the new infant whatever your heart desires.  Do not be influenced by in-laws or pestering family members. In this article I will give you a few tips on what you can do when deciding your newborns name.
First thing is first is to take your time. Don't rush into it that is the worst thing you can possibly do when narrowing down a baby name.  Never settle on a name that you are not 100 percent positive on.  It can and will last a lifetime!  Believe it or not you do not need a baby name before birth. Some parents actually have waited almost 3 weeks after birth before deciding on that perfect child name.
The next tip I recommend is to carefully look at the spelling of the name. One thing me and my husband avoided was naming our child with the same letter of our last name.  This can end up being a tongue twister and cause some teasing too. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but you may just want to stay clear of naming your child with the same letter as your last name.
This next tip is probably fifty/fifty on the do we really care list. Do you care about the actual meaning of your soon to be baby's name?  Some parents don't really care or even research the meaning of the name.  For example, we narrowed down our male name to Corey which means humorous (just like his dad). If you have meaning in mind and need some help with the name you can visit this

My final tip is to recite your choices out loud. Yeah it may sound a little whacky but it works!  Say the infant name and even include the middle name (whole other can of worms)  and listen to the flow.  Believe me one of your choices will click and stay with you.  Some of the names that me and my husband liked on paper sounded horrible when saying them out loud. I hope these tips help you select the right baby name.  One more thing, have fun with it!


sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

Preserving Health And Beauty In Pregnancy

Preserving Health And Beauty In Pregnancy

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Most women think that it's okay to stop exerting effort in looking beautiful during pregnancy but it's not. Pregnancy is a time when your hormones are in a rage. It is easy to be overwhelmed by new feelings, sensations, and changes in your body that make you feel not in control. Taking care of your pregnant self lets you be in control and preserve your health and beauty. It's not easy to look in a mirror with disheveled hair and dry, blotchy skin. It's also frustrating to try...

health and beauty, pregnancy

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Most women think that it's okay to stop exerting effort in looking beautiful during pregnancy but it's not. Pregnancy is a time when your hormones are in a rage. It is easy to be overwhelmed by new feelings, sensations, and changes in your body that make you feel not in control. Taking care of your pregnant self lets you be in control and preserve your health and beauty. It's not easy to look in a mirror with disheveled hair and dry, blotchy skin. It's also frustrating to try and fit yourself in your pre-pregnant outfits. Get rid of the idea that this is normal. What's normal is a pregnant woman embracing and enjoying her pregnancy by taking care of her body, her health and beauty.

Studies by the MRC/US Anxiety and Stress Disorders Research Unit show that babies born of happy mothers are healthier -- they are heavier, more active, and agreeable. They also absorb more nutrients from their first feedings which are essential for their nourishment. Happy mothers are also found to produce better-quality milk for their babies. Negative emotions increase the risk of developing post-pregnancy depression. This affects how a mother bonds and cares for her newborn. The best way to ward off this negativity is to preserve your health and beauty.

First, follow a healthy diet under the specifications of your doctor. Do not assume that the diet your other pregnant friend follows is right for you. Your health and beauty needs are unique. You may have deficiencies or skin care needs, which your friend's diet cannot address. Second, take supplements and vitamins according to your doctor's instructions. Never take drugs or any form of medicine without your doctor's approval. It may have adverse effects on your baby. Third, exercise lightly to avoid gaining excess weight. Expectant mothers normally gain 15-20 pounds; anything higher than that can give you a difficult delivery. Fourth, get adequate sleep and rest. Nothing is more stressful than sleepless nights because of hormones and restlessness. Make up for lost sleep during the day; your body tells you when it needs some shut-eye.

Of course, a pregnant woman's health and beauty are not limited to her physical needs. Her emotional and psychological well-being are just as important. You know that nothing boosts your confidence than being thought of and complimented as beautiful. You can easily get that goddess feeling again through modern maternity fashion. Take all those loose, tent-like dresses your mother-in-law lent you. Contemporary maternity designers are coming out with new designs that showcase your pregnant body rather than hiding it. Take advantage of your fuller cleavage and wear lower necklines. Show off your pregnant belly in stretch tops that hug your curves in solid colors. Avoid hiding in busy prints and opt for simple, understated accents and accessories. Change your hairstyle -- pregnancy is a perfect excuse to try the new pixie cut. Keep your posture straight and your feet pretty in fun flats and funky mules.

Health and beauty are essentials for a pregnant woman. Take care of yours to be better-equipped in caring for your baby. Treat your pregnancy as your time to shine with natural health and beauty. Staying healthy and beautiful during pregnancy is not only easy; it is the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby.


Prenatal Nutrition: The Effects Of Caffeine and Green Tea

Prenatal Nutrition: The Effects Of Caffeine and Green Tea

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Pregnant women should limit the amount of green tea they drink during pregnancy. This article discusses why, as well as providing a guideline on how much coffee and tea can be safely drunk without significantly affecting the birth weight of your baby, or increasing the chance of miscarriage or stillbirths.

green tea side effects, green tea health, healthy pregnancy, prenatal nutrition

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Pregnant women would be wise to limit the amount of green tea they drink during pregnancy, and should be careful about taking any green tea supplements. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and has a host of health benefits relating to dental health, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and weight loss. But researchers have found, whilst examining the active constituent of green tea, the epigallocatechins, or EGCG for short, that it may affect the way the body uses folate. Folate is important for pregnant women as it prevents neural tube birth defects in babies.

The problem of green tea during pregnancy is that the EGCG molecules are structurally similar to a compound called methotrexate. Methotrexate is able to kill cancer cells by chemically bonding with an enzyme in the body called enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). Healthy people have this enzyme also - it is part of what is called the folate pathway, which is the pathway, or steps, the body takes to transform nutrients like folate into something that can be used to support its normal functions.

But this chemical similarity means that the EGCG in green tea also binds with the enzyme DHFR, and when it does this, it inactivates this enzyme. When this enzyme is inactivated, the ability of the body to use folate is going to be affected. How much green tea is able to be consumed, or precisely how much folate absorption is affected, is unclear. Though the research article did say that drinking 2 cups of green tea a day can stop cancer cells (which is what methotrexate is targeting) from growing.

The good news on caffeine drank during pregnancy, from coffee and tea, is that a moderate amount is fine. Two studies, one by Danish scientists who interviewed more than 88,000 pregnant women, and the other by the Yale University School of Medicine, had similar findings on caffeine during pregnancy.

The concerns over caffeine were that it would lead to low birth weight or miscarriage. And this is still true of a very high daily intake of coffee. The Yale team found that drinking about 600mg of caffeine a day, which is about 6 cups of coffee, would reduce birth weight to levels that were clinically significant. The rate at which birth weight was reduced was established at being 28 grams per 100 mg, or 1 cup, of coffee per day. But they emphasized that this would not be significant for moderate caffeine consumption.

The Danish study found that drinking 8 cups or more of coffee per day (this would be about 16 cups or more of tea), would increase the chances of miscarriage, or stillbirth, by 60% compared to women who did not drink caffeine. They also found that moderate coffee or tea drinking did not pose significant risks. For those drinking half a cup to 3 cups of coffee a day, the risk of fetal death was 3% higher compared to non-caffeine drinkers. And for those drinking 4 to 7 cups of coffee a day, the risk increases to 33%. One cup of coffee equals about 2 cups of tea when comparing caffeine levels. The recommended amount of coffee drunk is up to 3 cups daily, or 6 cups of tea, by the UK food agency.



Pregnancy Week By Week: Week #1 & #2

Pregnancy Week By Week: Week #1 & #2

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Week #1

The most wonderful experience that can happen to a woman is to be pregnant. It is a truly amazing process of life and being able to go through 9 months of carrying another living, breathing person inside of you will change you forever.

When you think about pregnancy, you think about 9 months. But you actually have to start from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. Women have no idea when they ovulate or conceive, but they do know when the first day of the...

happy mothers, high chair, baby chair,

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Week #1

The most wonderful experience that can happen to a woman is to be pregnant. It is a truly amazing process of life and being able to go through 9 months of carrying another living, breathing person inside of you will change you forever.

When you think about pregnancy, you think about 9 months. But you actually have to start from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. Women have no idea when they ovulate or conceive, but they do know when the first day of their last menstrual cycle occurred. Ovulation won't take place for another 2 weeks, so you may actually conceive during week 3.

If you are planning on becoming pregnant, now is the time to start getting your body ready. You need to start taking prenatal vitamins, which contain folic acid and iron (two very important nutrients for fetus development early in pregnancy).

Also, start tracking ovulation by taking your basal body temperature and watch for the signs. Check out the article called "So You're Ready to Have a Baby….." to see more information.

Make sure to check back next week to see what happen in week 2. Until then, happy baby making.

Week #2

This is around the week of ovulation. You are now at the midpoint of your menstrual cycle (if you have a regular 28-day cycle), about to ovulate and are most likely to get pregnant. Your uterus has shed its lining and is preparing itself to house your fertilized egg. Your egg is ripening in one of your ovaries and is getting ready to be released.

A woman is truly fertile for about 4 days a month and this is determined by when she is ovulating. You need to keep track of your menstrual cycle, your basal temperature and the consistency of your cervical mucus. These will give you the best signs of when you are about to ovulate.

Prepare to have fun trying to make your baby.

Pregnancy Ultrasound– a Gateway to Your Baby

Pregnancy Ultrasound– a Gateway to Your Baby

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Pregnancy ultrasound is an awesome technology. With ultrasound, you get to see your baby even before he is a baby. There is no known risk to you or your baby from ultrasound during pregnancy.



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Pregnancy ultrasound is an awesome technology. With ultrasound, you get to see your baby even before he is a baby. There is no known risk to you or your baby from ultrasound during pregnancy.

Ultrasound machines use high-pitched sound waves (250 times higher-pitched than can be heard by the human ear), transmitted through the abdominal wall to produce an echo image of your pelvis. By moving the transducer (the ultrasound transmitter) appropriately, different areas of anatomy, along with your baby, in the pelvis can be seen during pregnancy.

If it is very early in your pregnancy, the ultrasound technician may use a slender transducer in the vagina to visualize the uterus more easily. When you are further along in your pregnancy, ultrasound conducting gel will be placed on the lower abdomen for your ultrasound.

The amount of useful information gained from a pregnancy ultrasound examination depends on several factors. For instance, during fetal scans, the gestational age, maternal size and amount of amniotic fluid can limit the detail of an exam. During a pregnancy ultrasound examination, you can see if you are having twins or multiples, which way the baby is positioned in the uterus, the location of the placenta, fetal heart and limb motion, and the amount of amniotic fluid. In addition, measurement of various fetal parts can be made in order to estimate the age of your baby and to assure that fetal growth is normal.

The most amazing parts of the pregnancy ultrasound are seeing your little baby's heart beat, the individual hair on her head, her rapid movements or kicks, and her profile. If you want to know the sex of your baby, you can see that too, usually at 18-20 weeks.

Over the past few years, a new ultrasound technology has emerged. 3D ultrasound, often used in pregnancy, actually generates 3D pictures of your baby. Now, you can see exactly what he looks like before he's even born. Whether you know it or not, there is probably a 3D pregnancy ultrasound clinic near you. Your doctor may even view your pregnancy with 3D ultrasound in her office!